Shelby Brown has done quite a lot in her 24 years. When Shelby is not busy with her pageant career, Shelby is busy pursuing her modeling career. She had been juggling these two careers at the same time for the past 6 yearsContinue Reading

“You are living on a different planet”  Former POTUS Barack Obama resurfaced Friday, January 12, and took a shot at Fox news viewers stating that the “live on another planet” compared to consumers who view other sources of mainstream media. Obama made the remarks on the premier of the newContinue Reading

We are almost two weeks into 2018, you have picked out the best workout from, fresh gear, new gym membership and a head full of confidence as you prepare to embrace life with the same old new years resolution. You have been following the plan step-by-step and you areContinue Reading

The Queen City Awards was and amazing event that brought the city together while giving back to the community. Honorees Anthony Hamilton and Ace & TJ enjoyed the acknowledgement from the community. Click the photo to check out the pictures. 11th QCA Winners 11th Annual Queen City Awards COUNTRY ARTISTContinue Reading