#dailywithdeezy Kendrick Lamar recently tweeted a link to iTunes to pre-order his new album which is “untitled“. March 23rd is the release date will you be pre-ordering? Kendrick came onto the scene guns blazing with his flow…if you remember last year he came out with a song called King ofContinue Reading

#dailywithdeezy Miami Stand up, Trina is back with her new song Real one Featuring Rico Love. First of all let me be the first to say I’ve been waiting a long time for this. Trina has been Putting in work and making moves. Now the question is when can we expectContinue Reading

#DailywithDeezy Singer/Songwriter Lyrica Anderson has been turning heads with her Remix to Drake’s If you’re reading this its too late. Lyrica Anderson’s sultry voice is something fresh for the new generation of R&B. For all the R&B heads out there appreciate the pure talent of this young lady. This girlContinue Reading

#DailywithDeezy   In the midst of all the “Drama” that has been going on with the celebrities i’m sure we all love to hate, such as, Lil wayne, Drake, Chris Brown, Tyga, and the Kardashians to name of few. The real question is, Is Iggy Azalea really hip hop? ForContinue Reading