NCAA: Notre Dame Academic Coach Accused of Coercing Black Athletes to Have Sex With Her Daughter


The University of Notre Dame is involved in a bizarre sex scandal and has since fired a female academic coach amid allegations she coerced young African-American football and basketball players into having sex with her daughter.
The unnamed academic coach violated the university’s “values” and its “discrimination harassment policy,” according to the six-page report obtained by the New York Daily News.
An unnamed student has filed a lawsuit against the school arguing the tutor orchestrated “sexually and racially motivated” trysts with her daughter by including condoms, transportation and hotel rooms for academic favors.
Peter J. Agostino , the lawyer representing the unnamed student, says the school has evidence about the allegations and did nothing.
“She was encouraging it,” said the man’s other lawyer, Michael Misch. “The mom sought him out and promoted the relationship by providing hotel rooms and condoms.”
The academic coach would later interrogate him about the “nature, frequency, and quality of the sexual activities” they had, the lawsuit claims, badgering him with “racially-charged comments about his sexual prowess and genitalia,” the suit alleges.
Agostino says four or five other students have since come forward and contacted his office since news of the allegations surfaced.
On Saturday, the school maintained its innocence against the allegations, dismissing the lawsuit as “unfounded” and a mere publicity stunt, Notre Dame spokesman Paul Browne said.
The student is now demanding a jury trial, injunctive relief from the University of Notre Dame and for school officials to honor his scholarship while beginning an independent investigation into his accusations.

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