Launching a promoting and marketing campaign


Being an artist with no knowledge of the business seems to be an ongoing trend only to focus on the product. 99.9% of artists waste their time on filling their catalog up, their opinions and emotions toward personal and industry situations. Instead of taking 1 or 2 products to create a successful campaign.  Many will post, and I mean post in every group that they can while limiting themselves a real campaign with a budget to do so. Below is an article giving you a visual on your cost to launching a promoting and marketing campaign. Will any of you read it? No! Why? Because that lack of studying (reading) is one of the main problems that plagues many today.

Running national advertisements has never been cheap. Not only are you paying for the cost of ad space, but also investing some serious funds in the production of the ad itself. But with the digital age in full swing, small businesses can now compete and get a little national exposure for a fraction of the cost.


Basic Television

National television spots are the most expensive advertising campaigns you can run. As of 2013, the commercials themselves cost anywhere from $50,000 to $750,000 to write, shoot and produce, according to WebpageFX, a national web development and marketing company. Like production costs, rates for airtime vary between networks. You can spend as little as $35,000 to upward of $2 million for a 30-second spot. FOX, for example, charged an average of $200,000 for 30 seconds of primetime air, reports AdWeek, a marketing and media publication. CBS, on the other hand, charged almost $114,000 on average, while ABC charged roughly $98,000.

Cable Television

While the cost to produce a commercial is about the same, the rates for cable television spots are somewhat less than those on basic networks. The average rate for a 30-second spot on the top 15 cable networks was $13,100 as of 2011. Of these networks, ESPN charged the highest rate, at an average of $31,551. TNT ranked second at $16,474. If, however, you own a small business, a national TV campaign isn’t necessarily money well spent, and you could get away with running a spot on a local network. The cost to produce the spot will be much less, as will the rate to run. Rates vary by location, but 30 seconds of airtime can run as little as $200 to as much $1,500 during the local news, with the six o’clock news often costing the most.



Advertisements in national magazines rank a distant second to the cost of TV campaigns. To design and shoot the ad itself, you’re looking at a range of $1,500 to $20,000, while ad space can start at $3,000 and go up from there, depending on the publication. In 2013, a four-color, full-page ad in “People” magazine commanded $324,000 and a black-and-white full-pager was $228,600. This same year, “Fortune” magazine charged $148,000 for a four-color, full-page ad and $103,800 for a B&W ad, while “Forbes” charged $142,520 for a four-color, full-page ad and $96,880 for a B&W one. As with any publication, running an ad in more than one issue can save you money, as the rates drop with multiple insertions. To run four B&W insertions in “Forbes,” the rate is now $84,150 — a savings of over $12,000 for each issue.


Coming in at third were newspaper ads. The cost to design and produce these plugs is roughly the same as those for magazines, at an average of $1,500 to $20,000. To run the ad, however, you can usually expect a much lower rate. The average is right around $28,000 for a half page of space in a major newspaper. As with magazine, the rates drop when you contract for multiple insertions.


Online campaigns have the potential of a larger reach than traditional advertising channels, and usually cost much less. But you’ll likely have more pieces to manage to ensure success. Having a website professionally designed can run anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000. Of course, this range covers the cost of the web designer and copywriter, as well as a service provider and domain registration. Content curation, which could include blog posts, web-based articles and other web content, can cost $6,000 to $12,000 per year. Pay-per-click ads, where you pay only when a user clicks on the ad, had a rate of 84 cents a click in 2012.

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Ralan Ahku

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