Nayjah Mickens is 12 years old and from Fredericksburg, VA. She is currently your 2019 Miss Virginia East Coast USA. She will be traveling to New Jersey in July 2019 to compete for the National Title of Miss East Coast. She has held numerous pageant titles to include, Little Miss DC United States and Little Miss VA USA. Nayjah has been competing in pageants since she was 8 years old and through that, she discovered her love for being on stage. She has done multiple runway fashion shows from Las Vegas to New York Fashion Week for 4 years. When you don’t see her on stage, you can find her on TV. She has been on the TV One channel, been in some independent films, and will be in her first stage play called “Same Script, Different Cast” on June 15, 2019 where she has a lead role. She is currently filming for a short film and has been casted for another independent movie.
She is a rising 7th grader and continues to work hard to achieve her goals of having her own TV show one day. She continues to lead strong in her community and encourage other kids her age to never give up and keep working hard. She is part of the Lead Strong Mentoring program. Nayjah understands that her dreams can be her reality if she stays focused and keeps God first. She belongs to Union Bell Baptist Church where she is on the youth choir and is a praise dancer.
Nayjah is very ambitious, dedicated, motivated, and determined. As she always says, “If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready when opportunity comes.”