CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Saturday was an awesome day filled with laughter, knowledge building and fun for children in Charlotte, NC.

April is known as Healthy Kids Month so the Stratford Richardson YMCAAtrium Health & The Konnected Foundation teamed up for the 4th Annual Healthy Kids Day.

The event hosted health eats, mind-building activities, taekwondo, gardening, sports and long-lasting friendships with those around, always leading with a smile.

The kids welcomed the Charlotte Fire Department and arena football team The Carolina Energy who lead the tug of war competition, even showing the kids that adults are big kids too!

The Konnected Radio Station came out to turn up with the kids as DJ T.O.P. (14-years-old) played great music as BMo, E Luv and Dada kept the crowd rocking.

Join the partnerships for next years award-winning Healthy Kids Day and enjoy the magic!

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