Meek Mill has said he’s going to be dropping a new album soon. It might include a Cardi B feature. Sources tell TMZ that Meek and Cardi were in the studio recently, and recorded material that has “the potential to be a big hit.” That pairing will likely irk Nicki Minaj, whoContinue Reading

Red Bottom Replica? On 6/12/2018, The European Union’s top court has defended French fashion designer Christian Louboutin’s claim to trademark red-soled high-heel shoes.   The European Court of Justice ruled Tuesday that Van Haren, a Dutch company that sold similar shoes, had infringed the trademark. This case has been ongoingContinue Reading

This magazine has articles with Cardi B, Tristian Thompson, Ask The Doctors, Kitten Korner Model Bombshell Berda & more. Purchase 4A cause, every item ordered 25% goes to our Konnected To Excellence Scholarship Program. CLICK LINKContinue Reading