Sevyn Streeter Finally Sings The National Anthem In Philly While Wearing “We Matter” Jersey


Sevyn Streeter was finally able to sing the National Anthem her own way, while rocking her “We Matter” jersey last night in Philadelphia. It was back on October 26th that the Sixers cancelled her performance just before she was about to sing when they found out what she was wearing. The backlash came fast and furious and they knew they messed up bad and were immediately trying to work on a new date for Sevyn to return.


Streeter told ESPN in a SportsCenter appearance, “I’m happy that we were able to turn an unfortunate situation into something really positive.”

“I think that me saying ‘We Matter’ and me singing the anthem, the two, they don’t conflict,” Streeter said Friday. “There’s no conflict in the two for me. I love my country. I love it so much. When you love something so much, you only just want it to be better. You want it to be better and that’s really what ‘We Matters’ means to me. The two do not conflict for me.”

Streeter recently wore a shirt that said “Love & Respect” while singing the national anthem before the Warriors and Clippers faced off.

The wait was well worth it as Sevyn absolutely killed it and did it all with such grace and class.


Full Circle Moment with @sixers ? X ? #WeMatter #GirlDisrupted

A video posted by 7ev (@sevyn) on

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