Greta Rose – Entertainer of the Month

“I think one way or another music affects everyone. I want to use my music to connect and inspire those around me.” Greta Rose is a 14 year old singer-songwriter who currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. Even though her main instrument is a six-stringed guitar, she also plays piano and ukulele. Her creativity is inspired by the possibility of connecting with people on a more personal level. 

Greta has always been a musician. She always had an interest in not only playing music, but writing it too. When Greta was in first grade, she wrote her first songs. Often times the lyrics were about something she was experiencing, whether is was happy or sad. Greta picked up her first guitar around 4 or 5 years old, but it wasn’t until she was 7 that she got formal training. Along with guitar lessons, her parents also thought it would be beneficial to enroll her in vocal lessons. After several years of learning, Greta decided to go outside her comfort zone and experience performing. At first it was scary, but the kindness and motivation of those who lived in Charlotte inspired Greta to keep playing and sharing her music.

Today, Greta Rose plays all around Charlotte. Whether it’s opening shows or open mics, Greta performs weekly. You can listen to her original songs, “Waves”, “Tear Me Down”, and “Now”, as well as many others, by looking up her album, “The Studio 13 Demos” on all major streaming platforms.

Social Media:
Instagram: gretarosemusic
Facebook: GretaRoseMusic
Youtube: Greta Rose Music

Photos by: Ski Studios

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