KM – Tell us a little about yourself?
Diggy – I just like expressing myself, whether its music, fashion or anything. I just love being creative and being myself.
KM – What inspires you to do what you do?
Diggy – Life experiences, whether it’s the past or what I’m going through right now or what I see for myself in the future. My life is my biggest inspiration, along with the people that support me.
KM – Do you have any favorite quotes that you would like to share with everybody?
Diggy – No favorite quotes just a message: Stick to being the person that you want to be. Just be innovative and yourself. Don’t let people sway you into a different direction, because you know who you really are.
KM – How long do you think it would take another artist to get to where you are?
Diggy – It depends really. I’ve seen people have quick come ups like ASAP. Rocky is a perfect example; he didn’t even put out a mixtape before he got signed. It really depends. Everybody has a different path. It took me three years to get to this point right here. You know putting out mixtapes that lead to me getting signed and putting out freestyles. I keep grinding hard, and the reason why I wanted to do mixtapes after I got signed was to find my niche more. I wanted to get better at my craft before I got into that arena of making my debut album. It meant a lot to me that I was making the type of music that I wanted to make by the time I made an official album.
KM – What’s the best advice your dad gave you?
Diggy – My dad is about going out and just being yourself and just knocking the world dead with whatever you want to do and not worrying about other people. That’s a lot what my family is about, just being genuine and being the person you are, and not letting anybody else tell you differently. You know, it’s up to you, not them. Who is anybody to tell you what you’re not?
KM – Explain to us how you felt at your album release party?
Diggy – The adrenaline and great feelings were just incredible . I performed new songs for my fans mixed with the old songs. Not to mention it was on my birthday, which made it extra special. I could not have asked for a better release party. I don’t take it for granted for one second. You know, I’m always just living in the moment and smelling those roses and looking around. You never know when it can end so I enjoy every moment of it.