Black Lincoln – Entertainer of the Month

Black Lincoln whose given name, Nicholas Shondall Dickens, and  born on December 5, 1995 is an African American songwriter and music artist who was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. He started writing music when he was nine years old. The first funky rhyme he ever wrote was “This is serious stuff gangsta killing, so clap your hands with the feeling.” to the instrumental of Young Jeezy Standing Ovation.  When he performed it in front of his family, they laughed, so he gave up rap and dove into poetry. For thirteen consecutive years he wrote poetry and finally  gave music another try. At the age of twenty-three he wrote his first real song and everyone who heard it, loved it. The musician ran into a few bumps in the road and released a mixtape called Era of Good Feelings: The Preamble which s only streamed Audiomack. When asked what does he want to achieve through his music, he said that, he wanted to emancipate the shackled minds and bring about an Era of Good Feelings again, thus why he called his upcoming album Era of Good Feelings. “Era of Good Feelings is left up to the listener’s own interpretation but Era of Good Feelings to me, is that small piece of happiness that keeps you from going over the edge and its that thing that helps you relive the memories that you enjoy the most and that is what Era of Good Feelings means to me.” Black Lincoln stated. He is still aspiring and striving to bring about the this new era. There is no doubt that he will bring about this change but the only question is when?

Booking Information……………… Carzet Durham
Number…………………………….. 901-607-9267

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